Saturday, November 07, 2009

hi there self-esteem,

do i know you?

where have you been all this while?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

No way.

Wary of the tiniest leak.

Silence bursts through the cords
Screaming not to be heard.
Shame on you! Who?! Snigger!
Scorn swells, folds start to seal.
They swirl, down the sewer, where they belong.
They shrivel, GONE.

So tight.
Not blood nor air enters. Nothing leaves.
Oh oh! Dead space.
Oh oh! Shunt.

Hiding in shadows.
Ready to raise, let it flap?
Only then,
Perhaps, will the white sheath
Forever: defend.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thought processes and paranoia

In case my computer crashes.

Questions to ask
What is language?
Complexity of language- processing, production, comprehension,

What is bilingualism? The variables: Low and high proficiency? Age of acquisition? Environment and practice

Neuroanatomical representation of language:
This paper will examine the representation of language in different domains? – processing and production, comprehension, lexical semantic?

Things to consider:

-Different theories to date
-complications due to variables, types of tests
-is single-word generation representative? How natural is language in that kind of testings? But still useful to have a baseline?
-some limitations- eg. fMRI cannot examine inferior temporal gyrus (p 180) due to interference with magnectic field.
Review the research- different hypotheses put forward

Lateralization- no studies provide coherent explanation. No proof that bilingual brains are any more asymmetrical than monolinguals

Convenient to fall into the trap of thinking that bilinguals are just two monolinguals combined.

The studies on aphasia- different kinds of recovery cannot fully explain bilingual brain
From testing subjects with disorders (brain undergoes shifts and adjustments after injury) to normal-functioning subjects
Old: lesion studies, electrical cortical stimulation (Penfield and Roberts 1959)
New ways of testing- non-invasive neuroimaging testingPET, fMRI, regional cerebral blood flow ERPs (event-related brain potentials)
Phonological loop and working memory
TOT- tip-of-the-tongue phenomena
What is convergence?
One-system hypothesis (single network hypothesis)
Petride’s 2 level- hypothesis: automatic vs controlled retrieval process. (meaning that if your L2 is not proficient, you will not be able to retrieve it automatically. Conscious searching required and that explains for the increased activity)

For grammar-related= age acquisition
For lexical-semantic= proficiency

Recurring areas:
Basal ganglia
Left Dorsa lateral frontal cortex
Left putamen
Inferior frontal gyrus / anterior insula complex
ACC- anterior cingulated cortex
Pre-frontal cortex
Temporal pole
Inferior parietal cortex
Brodman’s Area (9, 46, 47)
(note page 249)
Right hemisphere (pragmatics for both monolinguals and bilinguals?)
Working memory and phonological loop? (hippocampus and grey matter density?)
Implicit language competence and explicit metalinguistic knowledge

Singapore context- acquisition acquired within a brief period and has under formal settings? (school) –motivation?

Introduction......... ??????
Oh yes.
I have no idea how to begin writing this essay.

Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...