Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm back

Again, found myself unable to begin. Deja vu !  (  

What should I write about?
How should I write ?
At least the why is now clear - 'cause I just want to ... ...? 
Well... probably so...
No cares about how well I write!
Hmm.. guess so...
No reservations about who will see
Erm... hopefully so...

But no doubt when the flurry of thoughts  Float aimlessly, dancing in the air
The words spin a more tangilble form - Have feelings captured, gathered, 
Locked in the definition by the author 
A firmer memory, then etched 
Years of escape, left pieces of history painfully vague 
Or should it be unpainfully?
Returning tentatively, to pluck at the scabs
They don't hurt anymore? 
Those old wounds, that still leave ugly brown remnants
Forever a part of you, no? 
Like scars that stamps a mark on body and minds 
So will those memory and feelings by words imprint
And perhaps not all bad?
So begin, shall we?
Trudge on It may be a brutal battlefield out there
But, expect Some victories!
Bottomline? Guess the message is-
I will be back.  
Hmm...  When I'm free ...

P/S: the date published is to commerorate my last day of work,  And the beginning of slacky life

Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...