Thursday, June 23, 2005

Don't Know Why

Cos i just heard news that I've got accepted by NIE. But my colleague- NO
Don't know why.
He has taught there for a longer period than me.
He is a caring, good teacher who does his best.
Don't know why.
Unless its really that piece of paper which says i have a Degree and he a Diploma
But whether one is a brilliant teacher really doesn't depend on a piece of lousy paper... Damn
If its because the cohort is smaller, i rather be the one to wait.

Have I taken anything away from him cos i joined the school?
Don't know why...


Anonymous said...

belle, what happened was outside your control. Guess the best you can do is to make the best out of your education at NIE. At least the place would not have been wasted. And to your friend, i'm sure his opportunity will come. Cheers!

skygreen said...

i really hope so mo...
also worried that i'd churn out poorer efforts.
Hope you having fun in London

Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...