Sunday, October 08, 2006

A day to remember

7th October 2006
Was a good day to remember.

A lecturer told us to make a timeline for our own lives. We were to write down significant or life-changing events since we were born.
Realised at the end of the activity, I've written down events that were mainly negative... things that got me down, things that made me the unworthy person i am today.
Took a look at my course mate's timeline... and they consisted of mainly the good stuff...
I felt kinda saddened ... and almost ashamed at how unappreciative of my own life i am, and how sore a person i am...
Its rather ironic... i've always thought myself as an optimistic and easygoing person... why then... really not sure myself...
... ... ... ...
perhaps all i did was allow myself sink deeper each time something nasty happens. And when the next nasty thing comes along... i don't feel it as much? hah *shrugs*

ANyway... guess the point is... i should really try to think of the good things and remember them...
SO here it goes...

7th Oct is a good day because:
1) I slept loads
2) PQ smsed me for Pri sch friends gathering
3) J is back from China and sms me for dinner
4) Met some JC classmates at HC for MAF
5) Was not impatient when mom asked me abt her HP
6) 2 people decided to give it another try
7) Talked to friends on MSN

Guess... was glad that i'm not alone.
There are so many other people and things i should treasure and care about...

Remember the good times, forget the bad...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey fav, there is someone who writes about 3 beautiful things that happen everyday. maybe we shd start doing it. hahaha


Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...