Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So I've been doing work?

Well... back to blogative mode (derived from talkative)

Came back a while ago from D's place... which is only like 90 minutes away... which means that I can finish watching the lovely Legend of the Sea once through, and still have 17 minutes of spare time to cringe. Its actually the first time I've travelled from his place back home via bus/train. Other times... i've been fuelling the cab economy. But its not like i've been there many times.
Anywayz, guess i could empathise the times he had to travel back home from My place. Though not alot of times also.

Was reading this book by Paulo Coelho called The Devil and Miss Prym on the train back. Pretty intriguing so far. He was also the one who wrote Veronika Decides to Die, which i have been wanting to read since a friend mentioned it during JC years. Coincidentally, Sis just mentioned that she should re-read that book. And i borrowed "The Devil", not knowing that "Veronika" is also by Coelho.

Its kinda uncanny really, how things or issues recently mentioned by someone pops up in other ways. For instance, D was just telling me on Thursday night about this Taiwan Porridge he liked. On Friday afternoon (the very next day, mind you...) , I saw in the news that this the place, together with other restaurants at indoor stadium must shift.

Just a few hours ago, i was contemplating throwing out some old stuff i had to clear my pig-sty... and over msn, HX was telling me about the old letters and stuff which she just dug up and have threw out...

One of the most uncanny incident was getting lost with QX while going to East Coast Park. That happened donkey years ago. (Sec 4) He's a hopeless directionless donkey, and I was a donkey to have gone with him, not knowing that he's crap at directions. Anyway... we ended walking around Kallang/Katong area, and finally found our way there after hoping onto 197. Well, i was the smarter donkey. At least i know that 197 can get us nearer to ECP. Anyway...guess the point was, freakily enough, i got into VJC for first TWO months. SO i got to pass by the routes i previously got lost at just a month ago...

Sometimes, am not sure whether the mind is being more sensitive to certain topics, things or places after having heard about them. Hence 'coincidences' occur more readily. Or perhaps its really the Uncanny (*shudder* reminds me of the Gothic paper in JC. Could never understand how to write about Gothicism properly...)

Erm. I have no idea how laments over the long trip home led to all this but...
Hey, i finished another novel. Not bad also. Its called Dixieland Sushi by Cara Lockwood (btw, IF you are doing a Gothic paper, you'd be oohooh and ahh-ahhing over the name : LOCKWOOD. I think some character from Wuthering Heights has this name la. So according to our lecturer, it has deeper meaning- something hard, stoic. And possibly repressed. Coz its all locked up and stuff...See. I don't get Gothic! Whatever...)

Anyway. The book talks about a half-Japanese, half-white 30-year old heroine with this wildly funny family and this cute guy in her life of coz. (why do cute guys only occur in fiction? hmm..) Interestingly enough, it is also structured such that there are flashbacks and the present are continually juxtaposed. (Just like Separation Anxiety) Well, do check it out if you want something light...
Also been wanting to check out The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People after zhuz mentioned it... But I've never been a big fan of Self-help or Motivational Books. I don't usually make it beyond the first chapter...I'm more of a trashy-book person. No wonder I've never been effective or efficient. Sigh.

Think that's all for NOW.
Be back when i'm doing work

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zhuz, found a resource to read this book FOC. :)


Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...