Monday, July 02, 2007


Btw, have also finished almost 3 other books over the week...

One is Stealing Adda, which is just alright. Cheesy romance. Fullstop.

Done with Paul Coelho. (The Devil and Miss Prym) It features quite a lot on the struggles between the devil and light within self. Ultimately, the message is probably that good and evil will both exist, but essentially, one's choice determines the final verdict. Think I'm gonna actively search for Veronika Decides to Die and also The Alchemist. Slightly more intelligent stuff than what I usually read, yet at the same time won't destroy too much brain cells.

Still reading The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life by Camilia Gibb. Quite painful to read. Coz the characters in the book aren't exactly leading beautiful lives. Not sure whether its gonna have a happily-ever-after ending... but probably gonna read till the end since i'm almost done with it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey meiren, i have The Alchemist if you want it ;)

Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...