Or maybe its really the mind machine working its magic.
Talked to zhuz over MSN just now. And she was telling me that she is currently reading this book- the male protagonist likes to watch 'Days of Our Lives' . Coincidentally, I juz mentioned it out of the blue in one of my entries.
(btw, zhuz, more about this soap opera- there are lotsa soapliloquys.. i mean soliloquys. They are always talking to 'themselves'. Its lotsa talking talking...Hardly any action.)
More uncanny stuff. Was going on and on about Paulo Coelho recently. zhuz had also intended to read 'The Alchemist'. AND. After I mentioned him, he appeared in Straits Times Life! ANywayz, they did an interview on him and he commented that books should be passed around and not lay idle in libraries (sthing to that effect) Hence, he'll leave books that he has finished reading around, like garden benches, cafes etc... Nice idea isn't it? When i told D, he (will be undergoing name change soon) said that there was such a movement in Singapore also... is that right? Pple leaving books around... something like pass-it-on.
Some more uncanny- 2 blogs I've been reading mentioned Christmas (one on July 16th, the other on July 17th) They don't cross paths, NOPE. So its... uncanny when i read about the same thing within a same period of time...
ANywayz. I'm not really writing or thinking properly. Juz wanna quickly finish the post I've started... yesterday. (Today is Thursday)
Actually had lotsa thoughts when i went to jog on Tue night... but was too tired to sort and type them out...
Btw... one of the favourite 'uncanny' stuff or coincidence or telepathy (or whatever you wanna call it) happens right at home. I'd be having cravings for some food and come home to find that my mom has bought them on that very day. Think my brain waves sent some messages to her or sthing? Haha! No complaints =)
Talking about that, was listening to 933FM that day, and DJs were saying that some research in China concluded that WILL POWER can really make things move physically (ESP?) So i better curb my mean thoughts huh... in case my will power really murder the kid.
Having started ranting... can't stop!
Point Form:
- I suspect I have blood sugar problems after reading 'MIND YOUR BODY'
- I have been to school brighter and earlier these days (one resolution fulfilled! for this week at least...)
- I have not been doing work at home (yay!)
- I had a great session at gym today ( Treadmill and yoga. Yoga's great. If i am mistaken about being a cat in my last life. I could have been a piece of rubber? OK. I just have loose ligaments. Digression: Anyone remember the rubber man from one of Enid Blyton's book?! Digression 2: I can't believe that hardly any kids these days read Enid Blyton! Missing out on so much... Digression 3: At least my cousind does =D)
- But I'm still damn fat. (stepped on weighing machine. Shiokness experienced at gym reduced)
- Post Cranberry Almond Crunch is delicious! (been eating Post Cereals for years. Only tried this flavour recently. Darn... all those lost times and lost discounts from NTUC)
Much faster. More updates when I'm ready.
Good night.
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