Monday, July 02, 2007

Mid-Year Resolutions

People always say that new year resolutions always fail to work out. Hence, shouldn't have any. But they forget to mention that mid-year resolutions should be made. Mid-year resolutions are the best and always have the best results. Or at least i say so.


  1. Finish lesson plan by Sundays
  2. Do at least 1/2 of resources required by weekend
  3. Reach School by 11am every day
  4. Finish required admin work 1 day before due date
  5. Refrain from losing temper with babies
  6. Read an article about special needs once a week


  1. Lose 4kg by the end of the year (bloody hell... so difficult. Sigh)
  2. Jog at least twice a week (refer to 1)
  3. Go to gym at least once a week (refer to 1)
  4. No carbo/sweets after 8.30pm (refer to 1)
  5. Avoid denial. Hop scale once every 2 days (refer to 1)
  6. Learn Piano (unrelated to 1)
  7. Curb spending on self
  8. Save up to 25% of income. TOUGH. Make it 20%... (refer to 6,7)
  9. Be more attentive to family and friends
  10. Reflect. Every week.
  11. Live life meaningfully.

Okie... I think I'm aiming too high... If i do exercise 3 times a week and learn piano. 4 out of 7 days are taken up. So will I have time to finish stuff at school and also be more attentive towards important people. Hmm...

But mid-year resolutions are bound to see results. So no harm aiming high right?

hur hur hur

Forgot about another resolution.

Be more environmentally friendly:

  • Use less toilet paper, tissue paper, plastic bags
  • Use less water (for clothes for shower for beverage)
  • Switch off lights, laptop and TV before i sleep (guilty =/)
  • Set timer for air-con, hi-fi.

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