Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lazy Weekend & Fat Conversations

Yet another lazy weekend.
Supposed to have done lotsa work yesterday BEFORE i hit the gym. But as usual, lazed around so much and procrastinated so gorgeously that i almost missed my dynamic yoga class. Glad i made it though... 2 classes of workout- very much needed to lose weight!

And yes. I have grown so fat. *tsk tsk* One morning session colleague was staring at me

FAT CONVERSATION 1 (With K in School)
Me: Hey, long time no see
K: Hey, what happened to you huh?
Me: Yeah. Very fat now hor.
K: Yah loh, gained weight leh.
Me: YES! Obvious right.
K: Yah, put on quite a lot of weight ya. Aiyo, why huh...

FAT CONVERSATION 2 (With Siang, SF, S in school)
Me: (to Siang) Hey, I don't think i wanna go for Spageddies liao. I wanna jian fei
Siang: Huh. But i also need to lose weight ... eat a lot these days...
S: Yah loh, yah loh, I also gained a lot of weight leh. See my tummy

(SF happened to walk by and she joined our group)

SF: Siang, I'm not going to Spageddies. I wanna lose weight.
Me: Haha! I just told her the same thing...
Opps. Digressed.
Anyhow, felt a bit sore after 2 hrs of exercise and decided to leave although we haven't finished with the push-ups. (I give up!) Happened to catch M's eye and he smiled when i left. Perhaps he's thinking i probably should stay to work off the extra flabs. Wahaha

I have also gone swimming twice for the past 2 weeks and i wonder... is it causing my arms to be BIG?!

FAT CONVERSATION 3 (with D over dinner)
Me: Went swimming again the other day
D: That's nice.
Me: But I dunno whether I should be swimming leh...
D: Why leh?
Me: Feel that its making my arms and shoulders bigger...
D: Will meh? How many laps do you usually swim?
Me: At least 20 ba...
D: Then shouldn't be a problem... just swim leisurely loh... its not like you're training for competition or anything...
Me: Yah, i don't swim that fast also... but still feel will get broader...

FAT CONVERSATION 4 (with C in Staff Room)
Me: Hey, I'm going swim. Wanna go?
C: (hesitates) I wanna lose weight, but dunno whether to swim leh.
Me: Ya... sometimes wonder if swimming gives you broad shoulders and fat arms!
C: Ya! If i've known that, I wouldn't have swam when i was younger. Cannot be like those girls with narrow shoulders anymore...
Me: (sorrowfully) Yeah.. and i'm top heavy too...
C: Plus we're short somemore... looks weird ...

Its kinda unhealthy to have yoyo weight huh... Its SO easy to gain weight but its so darn bloody difficult to lose it. Sian man!

Anywayz... should haven't finished my lazy weekend story haha
After gym, went to Marina Square to meet D who was having dim sum with his colleagues. I was asked to join them actually, but decided that i shouldn't be eating so much, so headed for gym =p They left some food for me though, so had to eat la...
Left soon after with D as we were supposed to go to his aunt's place for dinner. We took a cab the apartment, which was very nicely decorated- zen and resort-like. Unfortunately, gonna be torn down soon (en bloc)
While we were eating, D's little nephew (this cute little fella with chiseled cheeks who looks like a cross between Harry Potter and Chicken Little ) kept on asking him to play with him.

Han: Ah Gu, play with me. (Ah Gu, as in 'uncle' not cow haha!)
D: Wait k, i'm still eating
(H Runs away and runs back)
Han: Ah Gu, will you play with me?
D: Let me finish eating first k
(repeated for many many times...)
Han: But you must play with me, you're my favourite Ah Gu!

What a sweet-talker ya.. haha! And he repeated that quite a few times... Guess because he's the only young one in the family, he gets lotsa attention.
Anyhow, as D had to entertain his fav nephew, I had a chat with his youngest sis. And somehow, we had yet another....

HZ: When I'm stressed i tend to eat more
Me: Ya, same here. Some people get skinnier when they are stressed
HZ: But I'll gain weight during exam period loh
Me: Precisely... me too...
Well... kinda obsessed with FATS recently ya... but its really hard not to think about it when clothes are becoming skintight k

To end off...

FAT CONVERSATION 0.5 (with muah, quite some time ago...)
Muah: WL, you put on weight hor
Me: Yah loh... quite a lot leh...
Muah: That pants used to be quite loose on you right?
Me: Yes! Now very tight... can hardly walk haha

Btw... after asking Dad during jogging just now, I'm quite convinced that swimming is gonna make me bulky. Hence to prevent myself from being Singapore's Notre Dame... I'm not doing swims anymore.

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