Monday, May 07, 2007


I still have plenty of drafts.
What should I do with them?
Edit, Complete and publish?
Or should i just delete them?
Afterall, when certain thoughts are left alone for too long, dust has settled, impulse passed, angst gone. Whatever strong emotions you've felt at that moment have faded...
So... what do you think? To chuck or not to chuck, that is the question. Haha!
But just like some things you've bought but never used, its a pity to just dump them. Cos you never know when you'll need them?
Or sometimes its better to just chuck those stuff and get new ones again when you REALLY need them?
Its a waste of money and resources.. But if you don't dump those useless stuff, it'll just pile higher and higher and you end up with more rubbish...

Its kinda dumb really.
Why dwell over silly things like drafts?
Don't i have better things to think about? haha

Actually i do... work!!! I should think of work more often... urgh...

Talking about work... i'm reading this pretty bimbotic book right now- its about a fresh graduate entering the "real world" after uni. She is working temporarily until she finds a husband. And all she ever wanted is to be a tai-tai and she doesn't understand why women would want careers. She unbashfully admits that she is lazy and hates working. Its pretty irritating how silly she gets just to meet men and how she keeps moping over her ex... But i must say that the tai-tai part definitely strike a chord.

"Employment is only for the poor. Rich girls do not need to work, therefore they do not want to work. Working is an unfortunate consequence of one's station in life. It is neither attractive or fun"

"Jane Austen times would have best suited me...spent my days playing the piano, sewing, reading or walking. I would wait for dashing men to court me..." (sounds pretty good huh)

Meanwhile, her friends were incensed that she is so backward when women had burnt bras and chained themselves (whatever feminist movements there had been) to attain where they are today.

(Finished the book. Actually its not that bimbotic. Its just pretending to be =p)
Its really sickening sometimes that so many aspects of life have to be grey. Can't it be just BLACK & WHITE? More interesting? But more complicated and mind-boggling too...

Perhaps my destiny in life is to think of mundane stuff. Yay!
Could someone pay me to write rubbish please?

Hypothetical situation... If i really am a professional writer or columnist or a writer of rubbish... will i digress from my 'work' and start doing all those irrelevant things and indulge in irrelevant thoughts?
Maybe its just me and my laziness and adversity to work.
GOD. If I haven't sinned enough for gluttony... i'll definitely be burning in hell for sloth. And wrath.. and... can't remember the other deadly sins (Envy? That i'm safe at least haha)
I'm such a Sinner...

I hate to be so LAZY. But i can't stop it.
Any Lazyticide for sale? I'm desperate for it...

P/S: Searched for 7 deadly sins and they are :
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

Okie... my sins are definitely more secular ...

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Its already 2021.

Because. Watched a video of a friend reading her poem. Prompted me to look for what i used to write. Waa laa... Here I am. Didn't ...